Lady Gaga Song Sounds Like...Lady Gaga’s new song sounds just like… Just like…. Hmmm.
In case Lady Gaga’s new track “You and I” seems to sound familiar or like something else to you, you are probably right for two reasons. The music sounds like one song, and the singing sound like another. It is almost as if Lady Gaga has created her own funky fresh mashup for the little monsters on this one. Can somebody say, “remix?”
So after hours of racking my brain, I think that the pop-guitar music sounds like Shania Twain “Man, I Feel Like a Woman,” and the way she sings it really, REALLY lyrics sound like Anna Nalick’s “Breath (2am).”
PRODUCTION/MUSIC – For one, the song was produced by Robert “Mutt” Lange, the producer of Shania Twain’s Come on Over (as well as countless other rock/pop blockbusters). “You and I,” the radio release, which is actually a remix from the original studio trac, is now sort of country/pop and resembles Shania’s choppy guitar riff from “Man! I Feel Like a Woman.”
LYRICAL ARRANGEMENT – Okay little monsters. Here is the big one. Just like “Born This Way” sounded like Madonna’s “Express Yourself,” listen to Anna Nalick’s “Breath (2am)” and tell me there isn’t some similarity.
INDIVIDUAL LINE SIMILARITY – There is also to line “It’s been a long time…” that bothers me. I feel like that is somewhere else, sung identically, but It is not in Nalick’s song. If anyone recognizes it, please let me know. First, I thought maybe I heard it in “What’s Up” by The 4 Non-Blondes, but that wasn’t it, though that track , too, does sound a little like Lady Gaga’s “You and I.” Your thoughts? Drop me a line if you can think of it.
LADY GAGA’s “You And I” – So here it is… Leave a comment below and tell me what you think. You can also email me at