Well first off, maybe, what is Jenga? Well first off, Jenga is derived from a Swahili word meaning “to build.” But that doesn’t explain the game.
Jenga is a game of physical and mental skill created by Leslie Scott, and currently marketed by Parker Brothers, a division of Hasbro. During the game, players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks.
Each block removed is then balanced on top of the tower, creating a progressively taller but less stable structure. Whoever topples the tower loses, and the last player to play wins!
So now, about that guest book idea.
This is an absolutely awesome alternative wedding guest book idea for a playful bride and groom to try at their wedding. Why not have your guests take a turn at signing in for attendeance with well wishes on an actual Jenga piece?
5 easy steps on how to create your own Wedding Jenga Guest Book
How To Make Your Own Jenga Guest Book
1) GET THE GAME – Rather than going the traditional route, buy a Jenga game at your local toy store to have each person sign a piece.
2) CREATE THE SPACE – Save space for a nice little display for your Jenga Guest Book and instructions in your wedding hall by the door.
3) MAKE INSTRUCTION CARD – Put out instructions that the guests are to put a sentence of phrase of well wishes on one flat side, and sign their name on the other side.
4) PROVIDE COLORED PENS – Use different color pens to have a more colorful result.
5) PICK UP THE PIECES – Collect the pieces at the end of the night.
When it is all said and done, the bride and groom have a game they can play on their anniversary and be reminded of their special day – reliving the well wishes all over again!
Here is a gallery of Jenga Guest Book Pictures to help inspire you:
Display Idea
The Layout with signs
Rustic Look Guest Book Jenga Table
Custom Painted & Printed Pieces
Signed pieces
Chalkboard Instructions
Another great twist for your wedding guest book!
Jenga Wedding Guest Book – DJ Ideas – signed pieces