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Each and every time that I meet up with a bride and her groom for what they might want to hear at their wedding, Steve Jobs plays a big part. THe bride plays me a song on her iPod, I pull up the contract on my iPad and her husband-to-be breaks out some photo ideas on his Mac.
Then when the wedding happens, the majority of the music we hear is the direct product of iTunes.
Steve Jobs was the Michelangelo Buonarroti of our lifetime and we can only hope he left notes behind to continue his impactful ways on technology in the years to come.
Albany NY DJ Kenny Casanova will miss Steve JobsIn the last year, I have become an iPad 2 user. It really is great and I can’t live without it. I use it for calander planning, syncing information with my phone, bringing up song samples, providing photograph samples for customers and also enjoy capabilities and to surf the net. I even watched Toy Story 3 on it the other day, and enjoy a great Scrabble Game called “Words WIth Friends” from time to time. All of this in an easy compact tool that Steve Jobs dedicated his life to, in this great finale release.
Steve Jobs will always be remembered for making modern computing simple, seamless with other mediums and a very satisfying experience. The co-founder of Apple created the old school Apple I & II computers in the 70s. Later, he gave us the Macintosh and the iMac. Then people wanted better music capabilites on the computer so he added music to loop with the creation of iTunes and then the iPod. Then peopl wanted to make connections, so he added phone call capabilities with the iPhone, and then bundled it all together in the end with the Star Trek-like iPad.
Who knows where exactly things will be for apple in the future? I can only imagine Jobs has left his company behind a truck load of ideas for the years to come, and I can only hope that they will see the ideas through.
I just jumped on the apple band wagon the last couple of years, but know that people have been here a long time. Either way, many in the country agree that Steve Jobs will, in fact, be very missed.