Making a Puzzle Piece Guest Book Fit for Your Wedding
As a busy DJ in the Capital Region of Upstate NY, I often get to see some of the coolest ideas in wedding planning – especially guest books of late. As you know if you have been reading my column, I always love to share the coolest ideas with you!
Here is yet another fun guest book alternative for your wedding reception that you can piece together on your own with very little work. Rather than to put out one of those lame blank page wedding guest books for people to sign that you will never look at again, how about a wooden puzzle? A puzzle is hours of entertainment and your guests will all become part of that forever in this great keepsake.
This guest book is basically a bunch of wood pieces cut out into the shape of of a functioning puzzle. Each piece is then layed out on a table and then signed by your guests in colorful markers.
WANT TO KEEP THAT RING FINGER SAFE FOR THE WEDDING? – If you are not-so-handy with a jigsaw and hope to keep all of your fingers, this idea should be fairly achievable in plank wood puzzles are available. If not, you should be able to find something already pre-made, perhaps for coins at a craft store like Michaels, or Hobby Lobby in Latham.
Lay the pieces out on a nice table
Get a blank wooden puzzle from a craft store
Spread them out with colored markers
Sign the pieces and be creative
Puzzle Piece Wedding Guest Book
Have wedding guests build the puzzle after signing