At Indian Ladder Farms in Altamont, NY this past Saturday (a nice little place that I was the DJ for about 15 minutes out of Albany,) I saw a great new idea to try at your wedding. Instead of signing a book that will barely never get read, how about listening to Sting from The Police? You know, having your wedding guests leave you a message in a bottle?
Here is an interesting and a more creative do-it-yourself idea that throws a twist on the traditional wedding guest book.
1) First, secure 3 different colored wine bottles.
2) Next, remove the manufacturer’s labels by soaking the bottles in hot water.
3) Too sticky? No problem. Clean and scrape off any remaining label remnants with lighter fluid, or a good adhesive remover like Goof Off. (You can also use WD-40 as a cleaning agent.)
4) Print custom labels made up with the bride & groom’s names printed on them, and the numbers 1, 10 & 25.
5) Create a nice display on a small table. Place the table with the bottles and squares of paper at the entrance door to the wedding reception.
6) Add an instructional photo frame, explaining that the bottles will be used in place of the traditional wedding guestbook and broken on certain year anniversaries to have the messages read.
7) Encourage guests to write their messages throughout the evening.
HOW IT WORKS – The idea is that the newlyweds should read their messages on their first, fifth, tenth and twentieth anniversaries. What a great idea! It is like morphing together the traditions of the wedding guest book and freezing a piece of wedding cake to eat a year later.