Here is a 10-year-old “Princess Theme Birthday” that we were the DJ for at Saratoga Springs, NY’s Museum of Dance. They had a princess dress up booth/photo booth, colorful uplights, a great twisty balloon maker (Balloon Girl Jenny
Princess Theme Birthday DJ at Saratoga Museum of Dance
) and also our DJ set up!
“Princess Parade” – Have all the girls come in costume as their favorite princess. Then have them line up outside the room and come into a big parade. I used IZ’s “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” as the music backdrop.
Group Photo Opp – Have all of the kids and parents line up in a horseshoe formation with the birthday girl in the middle. Take a number of fun shots!
Coloring Contest – Photocopy a number of different princess-related pages out of Disney coloring books for a great table pastime.
Twisty balloons rule!
Lip Sync – We had the girls sing into inflatable microphone (much like the inflatable guitars) along to the new Frozen movie.
Limbo – You can never go wrong with the limbo!
Twisty Balloons – New twisty balloon sculptures are like never before! Check out this “Little Mermaid” ballon. It really puts a twist on the idea of old ballon twisting and it is also a work of art!