The State Room in Albany NY is an awesome place to have a Wedding, with all the decor and columns. However, it is a tough place for a DJ to set up. Here is a video of what we did recently at a wedding there, minus an additional tripod for dance lights on the other side.
We went for a very low-key, simple, nice and clean set up without the boxy speaker club feel to it. The speakers are Bose L1-M2s; the symmetrical black towers on either side of the head table that look like black 2x4s. They are discrete and really get the job done to boot!
We moved the speakers to the center, away from the DJ set up.
For the guests who have to go… Want to dress up the bathroom at your wedding? Here are some neat ideas for decorating your washroom on your wedding day.
Here is a great wedding water cooler idea, for people who don’t want to drink water at a wedding (which is mostly everyone.) How about making your own custom coolers with whatever beverage you want to spout on tap? The picture speaks for itself!
How To Make a Custom Wedding Non-Water Water Cooler
1) Buy or rent a water cooler. You can actually purchase one of these for cheaper than you would think at Sam’s Club or BJ’s Wholesale.
2) Print a large beverage logo on adhesive paper at your local Staples, Office Max, or print shop.
3) Adhere logo to side of water bottle. (Either glue logo or apply sticker paper, smoothly.)
4) Purchase beverage in mass amounts and fill water bottle with your drink of choice.
5) Plug in cooler and display to serve cold. Enjoy!
Well first off, maybe, what is Jenga? Well first off, Jenga is derived from a Swahili word meaning “to build.” But that doesn’t explain the game.
Jenga is a game of physical and mental skill created by Leslie Scott, and currently marketed by Parker Brothers, a division of Hasbro. During the game, players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks.
Each block removed is then balanced on top of the tower, creating a progressively taller but less stable structure. Whoever topples the tower loses, and the last player to play wins!
So now, about that guest book idea.
This is an absolutely awesome alternative wedding guest book idea for a playful bride and groom to try at their wedding. Why not have your guests take a turn at signing in for attendeance with well wishes on an actual Jenga piece?
5 easy steps on how to create your own Wedding Jenga Guest Book
How To Make Your Own Jenga Guest Book
1) GET THE GAME – Rather than going the traditional route, buy a Jenga game at your local toy store to have each person sign a piece.
2) CREATE THE SPACE – Save space for a nice little display for your Jenga Guest Book and instructions in your wedding hall by the door.
3) MAKE INSTRUCTION CARD – Put out instructions that the guests are to put a sentence of phrase of well wishes on one flat side, and sign their name on the other side.
4) PROVIDE COLORED PENS – Use different color pens to have a more colorful result.
5) PICK UP THE PIECES – Collect the pieces at the end of the night.
When it is all said and done, the bride and groom have a game they can play on their anniversary and be reminded of their special day – reliving the well wishes all over again!
Here is a gallery of Jenga Guest Book Pictures to help inspire you:
Display Idea
The Layout with signs
Rustic Look Guest Book Jenga Table
Custom Painted & Printed Pieces
Signed pieces
Chalkboard Instructions
Another great twist for your wedding guest book!
Jenga Wedding Guest Book – DJ Ideas – signed pieces
Having a young kid be the Ring Bearer is a great idea. It makes for cute pictures and can totally help lend to the moment. After a some research, some sources say the tradition of a young person carrying the ring evolved from Ancient Egypt, where it was customary for treasured jewels to be carried on fancy pillows during wedding ceremonies.
Others historians claim the tradition came about during medieval times, when Northern Europeans began to present the bride with her wedding ring on the tip of a sword. Personally, we think this sounds a bit terrifying, and we’re glad this aspect of the custom has disappeared.
Dare to be different. If you have the guts, select a theme for your whole wedding and create a night they will never forget! If you don’t want a theme wedding, maybe just throw a little taste in there for fun.
I have seen a lot of weddings in the Albany NY area and this is one part where you can really lighten the mood. I always tell my DJ clients the best weddings are the ones that stand out. Here is a whole new twist on on ring bearers.
Secret Agent Ring Bearer with The Ring in a safeDisney theme ring bearer!Spiderman Ring Bearer
I just wanted to share a simple wedding decoration for people looking for nice idea. Simple letters can really dress up an area for your wedding with a little decor.
All you need are some large letters, and something to dress up the area a little like diamond confetti, ribbons, or other party decorations. You can either make the letters out poster or foam board. Then to make it stand, you only need some kind of wire or stand backing, kind of like what you would see on the back of a picture frame.
Simple Monogram Wedding Decoration Idea
The answer is simple, in any open flat area. Maybe for your seating place cards, for your wedding gift table, or maybe even on the floor in an open corner of your reception hall.