“The wedding ceremony was beautiful. The food was great,” the bride says, about to roll her eyes below a beautiful veil. “People were having a good time. The cake was delicious. Everything seemed just right, but then all of the sudden… UGH! It’s The Dreaded Chicken Dance!!!”
The groom drops his head in shame. “I forgot to tell him no.”
The bride looks at the groom and says, “This is the one song I hate more than anything in the world.”
While it may sound simple, not everyone thinks to make… THE DO NOT PLAY LIST!
If you want to be really prepared, make a list of songs that you actually loath. Give your DJ the list. This way when the party part of your big day comes about, it’s only what you really want.
While your must-hear song list may seem very important, a do not play list in many situations, may be even more important!