The Peas have just given their fans a taste the album’s first single dance track “The Time (Dirty Bit).” This track samples the iconic theme from “Dirty Dancing,” “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life.”
“You should expect deeper, a little bit darker electro beats and a little bit more of relationship issues on this one, a little bit more touching on that.” Fergie told MTV News. “But darker beats and a lot of funny stuff, as well, a lot of funny stuff.” Fergie said the song, “sort of sums up the current vibe of our group.”
It’s been a couple of decades since The Who (or what’s left of The Who) was relevant in the pop eye. Why did the NFL feel the need to travel back in time to find it’s half time music act? While they were an awesome live band in their prime of the 70’s, by the early 1980s, old age, arthritis, and other various ailments have stricken the band and many members have been replaced. While this is understandable in show business, the Superbowl’s rendition of the band made me wonder just WHO is now in charge of the once great band.
A few months ago, THE WHO, was billed as the half-time performers at this year’s 2110 Super Bowl. At that time I was like, “Man, they are going to have to get out the Geritol for this one.” I had seen some current pictures of Roger Daltry and Pete Townsend and honestly had no idea how they were going to pull if off.
But come on! Did the NFL really think we would fall for it? Who is fooling who? While the band sounded okay due in part to Millie Vanilli lip-sync technology, the entire segment was bizarre to watch with the replacement of the band’s front man. I don’t get it. It is mind-boggling to me why Roger Daltry and Pete Townsend would allow Tom Baker, aka Doctor Who, to replace Daltry, as lead singer. I mean, do they really think we wouldn’t notice?
I don’t begrudge the duo for wanting to keep the band performing. But it’s clear that their best days (or even okay days) are way behind them, and that a time travel exposition to the past may not be one that should be revisited.
It was a total mystery to me why the NFL booked The Who in the first place, until I saw Tom Baker complete with his Austin Powers scarf, filling in for the 65-yer-old Roger Daltry who no longer has it in him. Then it came to me. If one of the buttons popped on Tom Baker’s shirt, no one would have any Janet Jackson flash backs.
All joking aside, as a DJ in my thirties, I feel a lot of sympathy for those aging rockers who want to rock out and look like they did years ago. I am sure that being fifty or sixty on the outside doesn’t matter to most of them, as they still like the teenager idol superstar they once were. However, Tom “Doctor Who” Baker should lose the microphone and stick with traveling the space time continuum in his little green phone booth, robotic dogs and sonic screwdrivers.
A DJ has to keep up on music. It’s not optional. In fact, any good DJ should love music so much they couldn’t not keep up on music.
A few nights ago, I watched the Grammy Awards. There were some great performances, and a lot of talent featured. I love how the Grammys feature all different genres of music and expose amazing musicians to people whose natural inclination would not be to gravitate in their direction.
Here are the artists that were nominated for Best New Artist this year at the 2010 Grammys. Even if it is does not seem like your genre, give it a try. You just might like it.
We’ll start with the winner, the Zac Brown Band, playing Chicken Fried. I also love their Toes.
DJ Kenny Casanova has won best karaoke titles a number of times. While it is hard to explain what it is, exactly, that makes us “The Best” in the eyes of our patrons, they tell me that it has to do with personality and fast pacing.
Personality. It is something your karaoke DJ either has, or doesn’t have. You cannot learn this. The reason we get booked for a lot of weddings and sweet 16 birthday parties is I have potential customers come to public gigs and test us first. It seems we seem to pass with flying colors. They tell us that we are funny, and fun and keep the party going. We don’t get on the mic and attempt stand up comedy. We know that people want to hear music, not speeches, but a little bit of quick mic work in the appropriate places after or before a strategic song can be classic. We mix our party DJ success with the karaoke.
Timing is everything. No dead air, is important to us. When it happens – I CRINGE! Have you ever been on a dance floor and there is a space between songs? What do the dancers do? They either freeze and stand there like deer in headlights, or go and sit back in their seats. BOTH OF THESE OUTCOMES ARE NOT GOOD! We try our hardest to keep everything moving and leave no room to sleep for the karaoke audience. Admittedly, we end up trying to pick more of the fast songs that singers want to sing first, but do leave room for a couple of slow dances, where necessary.
So that’s it. Book us for your next party and add karaoke! You will love it!