Over the weekend, I was the DJ at a venue called FEAST at Round Hill in Washingtonville, NY. It’s not a point we typically service, but the couple in this same-sex wedding were really cool and I wanted to do the gig for them. (Honestly, even if you are not as cool as they are, you can get me to go anywhere, if you really try.)
ALL IN ONE WEDDING LOCATION – FEAST at Round Hill is a great place to get married; it has ample parking, a nice ceremony site, outside & inside bars for the cocktail hour, fountains for great photo-opps and a really neat reception hall.
The video above shows the couple, Bridget & Jessica, engaging in their first official dance of the night. You can see a shot of our DJ booth with our purple uplights creating the mood.
FOOD – FEAST at Round Hill’s reception area is a classy place with a nice little stage for a sweetheart table or large bridal party head table. On this occasion, the hall had a sweetheart table along with a full candy buffet package on display for party favors. The display was one of the best I have seen, complete with shelving holding large tilted candy store-type” glass containers to house the treats in.
The meal was great too!
All in all, if you are looking in the Poughkeepsie or Newburgh, NY area for a place to hole your special day, I would highly recommend checking out this venue.
Here are a few pictures from my iPhone of the wedding…
In today’s day and age, it’s too bad that I even have to say this. However… We are a same sex / gay-friendly service.
No awkward nothing! At TheDJservice.com, we are proud to believe everyone should have a right to be happy, and everyone should have a right to a first dance, married!
If you are looking on planning your special day in or around Albany, NY, look no more. TheDJservice & DJ Kenny Casanova has just what you need!
DJ Maria – Fulfilling Your Female Same Sex Wedding DJ Requests!
MAKING YOUR SPECIAL DAY YOUR SPECIAL DAY – We at TheDJservice.com have experience in providing disc jockey services for same sex or gay weddings, and also have created non-traditional same sex couple worksheets and resources that may help out.
Our same sex wedding worksheet will help you plan and get exactly what you are looking for, without having to weed through traditional wedding stuff that may not apply.
FEMALE DJ REQUEST? – No problem. If you are not comfortable with a male DJ, or really just want to rock the XX chromosome, DJ Maria is ready rock! She has provided same sex wedding DJ services for tons of local couples and has great reviews to boot! ( Click HERE to see DJ Maria’s profile home page, at TheDJservice.com. )
DJ Kenny Casanova -Call/Text 518-506-3305
•200,000 song library
•Top 100 Billboard Hits every year since 1947
•DJ/MC experience since 1996
•Professional Photography “The DJ Cam”
•Interactive events, dances, & activities
•Digital Slide Show Projector
• Music Video Package
•Voted #1 Karaoke DJ in Albany
•Radio Personality Experience
•Ring Announcer Experience: WWF / WWE
•Biggest Laser Show in Albany, NY
•Professional Gear Bose L1 Stick & Peavey
•Very affordable prices!!!
CONTACT US NOW FOR SAME SEX WEDDINGS IN AND AROUND ALBANY NEW YORK! Call us or TEXT us at 518-506-3305, or email ken@thedjservice.com. Check out www.theDJservice.com for more information!
Secular & Spiritual Same Sex Wedding Vows - Gay Wedding Vows
Below are some Secular & Spirual vows written specifically to be used as Same Sex Wedding Vows /Gay Wedding Vows. You may want to use these vows for your special day.
If interested in a Same Sex friendly wedding DJ in the Albany, NY area with experience, drop us a line at 518-506-3305. Thanks!
Secular Vows For Gay Couples
I, (Groom’s name/Bride’s name), take you, (Bride’s name/Groom’s name), to be my (wedded wife/wedded husband). I promise to strive always to consider your needs in addition to my own; to be a source of strength for you; to accept your strength for myself; to share freely my thoughts and feelings; to listen when you share yours with me. I make these solemn promises, to keep in times of plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health; from this day forward.
________, will you have ________ to be your (wife/husband), to live together as friend and mate? Will you live (her/him) as a person, respect (her/him) as an equal, sharing joy as well as sorrow, triumph as well as defeat. And keep (her/him) beside you as long as you both shall live?
________, is it your will to have this (woman/man) to be your spouse, to live together in the state of marriage? Is it your will to love (her/him), in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others to be faithful to (her/him) as long as you both shall live?
________, are you ready to take ________ as your (wife/husband), to live together with (her/him) in a growing marriage relationship? Will you vow with (her/him) to be partners in life in such a way that together you will meet every situation of life; the peaceful and the chaotic, the routine and the exciting, the sorrowful and the joyful, the threatening and the inviting. Will you love (her/him), affirm (her/him), and commit yourself to (her/him) in marriage relationship as long as you both shall live?
I, (Name), take you, (Name), for my (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.
I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my (husband/wife), I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
(Name), our miracle lies in the path we have chosen together. I enter into this marriage with you knowing that the true magic of love is not to avoid changes, but to navigate them successfully. I make this commitment until death parts us.
I, (Name), take thee, (Name), to be my (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, and thereto I pledge thee my faith.
I, (Name), ask you, (Name), to be my (husband/wife), as my friend and my love. On this day I affirm the relationship we have enjoyed, looking to the future to deepen and strengthen it. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. Together we will dream, will stumble but restore each other, we will share all things, serving each other and our fellow humanity. I will cherish and respect you, comfort and encourage you, be open with you, and stay with you as long as we both shall live, both freed and bound by our love.
I , (Name), promise you, (Name), that I will be your loving and loyal (husband/wife) from now on. I will share with you all of life’s joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, until death parts us.
Religious Vows For Gay Couples
Religious / Spiritual Vows For Gay Couples
________ and ________, having heard these words of instruction and admonition concerning love and marriage, do you now consent to be faithful to the obligations of this sacred relationship as long as you both shall live?
________, wilt thou have this (woman/man) to be thy (wife/husband), and wilt thou pledge thy troth (or trust) to (her/him), in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with (her/him) and cherish (her/him) according to the ordinances of God in the holy bond of marriage?
________, do you take ________ to be joined in wedlock, and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow that you will do everything in your power to make your love for (her/him) a growing part of your life? Will you continue to strengthen it from day to day and week to week with your best resources? Will you stand by (name) in sickness or in health, in poverty of in wealth, and will you shun all others and keep yourself to (her/him) alone as long as you both shall live?
________, will you have ________ to be your wedded (wife/husband), to live together in the covenant of faith, hope, and love according to the intention of God for your lives together in Jesus Christ? Will you listen to (her/him) inmost thoughts, be considerate and tender in your care of (her/him), and stand by her/him) faithfully in sickness and in health, and, preferring (her/him) above all others, accept full responsibility for (her/him) every necessity for as long as you both shall live?
________, will you have ________ to be your wedded (wife/husband), to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and keep (her/him) in sickness and in health, in prosperity and adversity, forsaking all others, keeping yourself only for (her/him) as long as you both shall live?
In the Name of God, I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my (husband/wife or spouse), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.
I, (Name), take you, (Name), for my (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. So help me God.
I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my (husband/wife), I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. Amen.
(Name), you stand before God and this congregation to declare your intent. Will you have this (man/woman) to be your (husband/wife), to live together in a holy marriage? Will you love (him/her), comfort (him/her), honor (him/her), and keep (him/her) in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to (him/her) as long as you both shall live?
Thanks for reading and congratulations on your special day planning. Again. if you are interested in booking a same sex friendly wedding DJ in the Albany, NY area with plenty of experience, give us a call at 518-506-3305.
Finally, the legislature has created an atmosphere of “marriage equality” here in New York State and the Albany NY area. This law being passed means that a whole new demographic of customers will soon enter the market in the wedding industry. DJ Kenny Casanova and www.TheDJservice.com are happy for our future customers. However, we want to caution same sex couples not to give into “hurry up” pressure by the media to rush into marriage without planning now just because you legally can.
Media Drools for a Gay Mob to Break Down Doors of David's Bridal
By the looks of things, people in the media seem to be trying to create a sense of urgency since the law passed on July 23rd. It seems like they are waiting for a big story of epic proportion that isn’t going to happen. I think they really are waiting for a gay mob of brightly dressed stereotypical homosexual couples and Cher impersonators to break down the doors at David’s Bridal in Colonie. Well, I hate to say it, but as good for TV ratings as this may be, this isn’t going to happen.
Since we passed the ground-breaking law that allows members of the same sex to get married, it seems that day in and day out, the media continues to ask both in print and on the television the same exact question… “Why are there not thousands of people taking advantage of this great opportunity?”
THE LAW JUST PASSED! Think about it. Nobody can plan a great wedding in a few weeks! There are so many different things to think about that you cannot just rush into:
SPECIAL MEANING: It is not a secret that there are many different components pertaining to time that you have to look if you want to have a decent wedding. I am sure that members of New York’s gay community do not want to rush their special day, simply because they can, and certainly not to get their mugs on News Channel 9 for thirty seconds. The fundamental reason many same-sex couples want to get married is because the idea is that marriage is supposed to mean something. It is a special day and one that often involves loved ones. In order to make all this happen, a lot of planning has to go down.
As different as the media might think gay people are, they have the same concerns about their wedding day as anyone else would. Gay people who care about being married will also care about how their weddings come off. The ones who wanted to rush to get married, probably already are after a quick drive to Vermont.
DJ OR BAND BOOKING: As the Rolling Stones once said, “You can’t always get what you want.” I would argue, you can sometimes, if you are patient and can wait it out. It typically takes couples around six to twelve months at the very minimum to plan a successful wedding. Whenever you book a Disc Jockey or band for a wedding, most of the decent ones are booked a year ahead. (We are already booking up next summer, and this one isn’t even half gone. If someone calls right now, I personally do not have any Saturday time slots available at all until November, so my partner is picking up the slack.)
VENUE BOOKING: Various venues, banquet halls and catering/food services are also dealing with full plates, no pun intended. Most of their desirable dates are grabbed up at wedding shows and open houses that take place a season prior to the actual event’s proposed date.
From experience, couples always buy into “wedding prime time.” Most want to get married on a Saturday in the summer, because of the great weather and the lack of scheduling conflicts that this time brings to the table. However, popular wedding reception halls only have limited slots available. If the couple is gay or not and really wants to get married at Franklin Terrace in Troy, NY, for example, Franklin’s only has eight couples they can book for the eight weeks in July and August months.
INVITING GUESTS: Finally, if you rush your wedding, not everyone can make it. Your guests need advance notice just like anybody else. Most friends and family really need at least 3 to 6 months notice in advance. This is even more especially so in the busy summer months when people have their vacation time carefully mapped out. My wife and I planned our wedding about a year out, and we still had a few close friends who really wanted to be there for us but they could not show, due to conflicts in schedules! (Chris, man, you are still a bastard!)
Therefore Mister Media, you can’t plan your special day in a few weeks. Calm down. You got your midnight wedding 12:01 stories on the day that the law went into effect. Stop drooling for something that isn’t going to happen in droves. We have only had eleven couples in the area get hitched in same sex weddings since the law passed. This is about right.
I know it would have made for better TV if a thousand homosexuals in drag came out screaming to say, “I do,” but it didn’t work that way, and it won’t.
For more information on gay-friendly same sex wedding professionals to do service at your wedding, drop us a line 518-506-3305.
To book a Gay-Friendly & Same Sex Wedding DJ Service in the Albany, Saratoga Springs NY, Western Massachusetts, and Bennington Vermont areas… drop us a line!
We at TheDJservice.com are happy that EVERYONE can now finally get married in the United States of America. Our DJs already have experience in gay-friendly and same sex weddings in New York & Vermont and we know this experience is helpful. We know that many same sex couples do not want to just “fit into a typical cookie-cutter wedding format” that doesn’t work for them. Let us help make your night special and customize it to fit your needs!
Understanding the difficult economic status we live in today, we always attempt to accommodate any service requests for our customers, no matter big or small. Currently we offer affordable add-on packages with our DJ services that include, photography, lazer light shows, music video set ups, karaoke, digital slide shows, female DJs, live turntable mixing, custom mashups and remixes, and also a classy ceremony music package.
SAVING YOU MONEY: We currently employ our own affordable photographers and work closely with a wedding officiant, as well as a make up artist, in an attempt to help you save money. And now, with the change in recent laws, we are now pleased to offer everyone these luxuries.