A few years ago, the digital world took over the photography industry. In the advent of the iPhone, meaning a camera in everyone’s pocket at any given moment, it seemed pointless to carry around a camera that needed film and also film that had to be developed. That took extra time and money that nobody wanted to invest in anymore.
Because of this, traditional camera companies saw a decline in sales. This eventually led to Polaroid facing with astronomically low sales that endangered bankruptcy. They finally decided to call it quits in 2008. The world was saddened in an instant. However, there was niche that demanded it to come back for specific reasons. After popular demand, the instant camera came back in a flash. In 2010 Polaroid came back with their new product, the 300, and that means Weddings have potential for some new fun. As a DJ, I see a lot of things and this activity was fun had by all.
Here is a novel idea of how to create your own Polaroid Photo Booth guest book for your wedding and let your guests have a good time doing so.
You simply set up a board like this, or even a cork board with the date in painted wooden numbers like you can get at a craft store. Then, put out the cameras and let the guest do the rest.
Here is an interesting twist on the guestbook I saw two weeks back at when I was the wedding DJ at The Franklin Terrace in Troy, NY.
Wedding Postcards
What the newlyweds did was awesome. After looking around a bit online, what they did was get some custom printing done on a nice cigar box and added some special wedding postcards.
The postcards are super nice because what they do is let you get more than just the typical name you would get form your guests in the traditional guestbook format.
The post cards asked for how the guests met the bride/groom, a favorite memory and also feedback about the special day itself.
They presented the cigar box with some nice candles and other things to dress it up. Below you can see what the set up looked like with a the uplighting turned on. This put an interesting pink hue on everything for a great added touch!
These days, nobody wants the traditional guestbook. It seems that once you have it all signed up, it gets thrown into the attic and never gets looked at again. Here is a pretty cool idea, following the trend of signing other things to record the attendees of your guest list. Have your guests sign a decorative bowl!
I was at the Hague Firehouse, just a little away from Lake George this weekend. It was for a pretty nice BBQ picnic-type wedding. There, they had something going on around a table so I took a stroll over to see. They had a bowl turned over on its side and people were signing it with a special marker made for writing on porcelain.
What a cool idea! This way when the bowl was signed, the couple had something they could actually use and enjoy, that at the same time would remind them of their special day.
Put your stamp on your wedding with a postcard guest book.
Postcards. Something fun to always get in the mail to see what your friends are up to. What a better way to offer a fun guest book alternative to all your friends and family at your wedding?
You know the deal. A traditional wedding guest book becomes just a list of names in a binder that you end up throwing into your attic and probably never look at again. Here is in idea that can really make this part of your wedding produce a cherished memory.
I recently saw this idea at Pat’s Barn in Troy, NY and thought it was great. It’s a simple one, but one of the best I have seen in a long time. All you really need is a mailbox, some bulk postcards, a chalkboard and some markers.
Chalkboard Instructions
DJ Picture – Mailbox
If you liked this idea, please consider us to be your DJ around Albany, NY!