Put your stamp on your wedding with a postcard guest book.
Postcards. Something fun to always get in the mail to see what your friends are up to. What a better way to offer a fun guest book alternative to all your friends and family at your wedding?
You know the deal. A traditional wedding guest book becomes just a list of names in a binder that you end up throwing into your attic and probably never look at again. Here is in idea that can really make this part of your wedding produce a cherished memory.
I recently saw this idea at Pat’s Barn in Troy, NY and thought it was great. It’s a simple one, but one of the best I have seen in a long time. All you really need is a mailbox, some bulk postcards, a chalkboard and some markers.
Chalkboard Instructions
DJ Picture – Mailbox
If you liked this idea, please consider us to be your DJ around Albany, NY!
If you are not familiar with uplights and you are planning a party, it is certainly something to consider.
A blast of color to match the theme!
WHAT ARE UPLIGHTS? Typically, uplights are used to bring some color to a drab wall, or to create a soft atmosphere in a classy setting. However, they can also be used to make your party more fun as a decoration.
MODERN LED UPLIGHTS – No longer do we use those old “cans” where you needed to put a plastic sheet over the lens to get the desired color. Now, we can program literally ANY color you can imagine, and the lights burn cold. (Old “can lights” would get really hot and couldn’t beleft on for hours.)
To the side, you can see how we added two green uplights to this beach-theme party to really dress it up and make it fun! Below this blog are some more picture ideas of how you can make uplights work for your event!
Different colors to add to the fun and brighten the party
A blast of color to match the theme!
Sweet 16 House Party Uplighting
Classy uplighting for your head table and ballroom
Here is a 10-year-old “Princess Theme Birthday” that we were the DJ for at Saratoga Springs, NY’s Museum of Dance. They had a princess dress up booth/photo booth, colorful uplights, a great twisty balloon maker (Balloon Girl Jenny
Princess Theme Birthday DJ at Saratoga Museum of Dance
) and also our DJ set up!
“Princess Parade” – Have all the girls come in costume as their favorite princess. Then have them line up outside the room and come into a big parade. I used IZ’s “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” as the music backdrop.
Group Photo Opp – Have all of the kids and parents line up in a horseshoe formation with the birthday girl in the middle. Take a number of fun shots!
Coloring Contest – Photocopy a number of different princess-related pages out of Disney coloring books for a great table pastime.
Twisty balloons rule!
Lip Sync – We had the girls sing into inflatable microphone (much like the inflatable guitars) along to the new Frozen movie.
Limbo – You can never go wrong with the limbo!
Twisty Balloons – New twisty balloon sculptures are like never before! Check out this “Little Mermaid” ballon. It really puts a twist on the idea of old ballon twisting and it is also a work of art!
Tripod Poster Guestbook Idea – Using a Marker Whiteboard
Whenever a big party is thrown, a nice idea to create a memory keepsake is to put out a guestbook. It is nice to have something to look at years down the line when you are older that will help you remember which of your friends and family were in attendance for this special day.
However, that guestbook often ends up in the attic and is never looked at again! So, what can you do? This next idea can be used for weddings, sweet 16 parties, communions, graduation parties or even bar mitzvahs.
How about a framed wall hanging? Want a cool framed guestbook that people can see for years to come, remembering your wedding or party? Here is one:
Tripod Poster Guestbook Idea – Using a Whiteboard
How To Make Tripod Poster Guestbook Using a Marker Whiteboard
1. Purchase A wiper marker whiteboard, a tripod and permanent markers.
2. Put some kind of image or phrase in the middle that commemorates the special day.
3. Layout PERMANENT markers, so that the guests writing lasts forever.
Coxsackie-Athens High School Junior Prom a Success at Anthony’s of Leeds
I just had the pleasure of working at Anthony’s Banquet Hall. What a great place to have your next event! I hadn’t worked here before, but I have to say, Anthony’s has one of the best in-house light show for dancing than I have seen in any location around Albany, NY!
On April 26, 2014, the kids had a real blast again, our second year doing the prom for them. Last year, we were at The Century House, and this year at Anthony’s. The move didn’t skip a beat!
All I can say is that I highly recommend this hall. They have a great dance floor, the best lighting I have seen, and some really great people that work there as well.
Anthonys in Leeds, NY
LOCATION – right off the exit with ample parking makes for convenience for your guests. (Anthony’s Banquet Hall, 746 Rte 23B, Leeds, NY 12451)
FOOD – is great. They had an idea buffet set up in a separate area that night (not on dance floor) offering a great chicken or fish selection.
PLENTY OF ROOM – Capital Region Photobooths were also in attendance doing what they do best, once again.
BAR – was a nice long bar with plenty of belly-up-to-the-bar room.
CONTACT INFO – If you are interested in more information from Anthony’s, drop them a line at (518) 943-9765.
Last year, I saw George Clinton and The P-Funk outside enjoying everything the Albany area has to offer, for FREE. One thing we all love are events at the Empire State Plaza in Albany for New York State Capital Concert Series.
Always free, always family-friendly and always funky fresh.
Featuring… George Thorogood, Living Colour, Bootsie Collins & Kellie Pickler!!!
That is right. Living Colour, Bootsy Collins and George Thorogood are among the performers who will play at the Empire State Plaza during this year’s Wednesday night concert series, according to the Office of General Services. I personally have always wanted to see George live and NEVER HAVE. One of my first tape cassettes EVER was a George Thorogood and The Destroyers LIVE album and I played that thing until it died.
George Thorogood, Living Colour, Bootsy Collins & Kellie Pickler – free at the 2014 Albany Plaza
As usual, the nights of free entertainment are typically scheduled to run from 5 to 9 p.m. Thanks to this year’s sponsors once again, here’s the New York State Capital Concert Series line-up:
Living Colour – Wednesday: June 4, 5 – 9 p.m.
Kellie Pickler –Wednesday: June 11, 5 – 9 p.m.
Bootsy Collins – Wednesday: June 18, 5 – 9 p.m.
George Thorogood – Wednesday: June 25, 5 – 9 p.m.
Felix Cavaliere’s Rascals and Gedeon Luke & The People – Thursday: July 4, 3 – 10 p.m.
GE’s Kids Day Sing Along Adventure with Mike the Knight – Sunday: July 13, Noon – 5 p.m.
African American Family Day – Saturday: August 2, Noon – 7 p.m.
New York State Food Festival – Wednesday: August 13, 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.